Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Sweet Orange Essential Oil


Sweet orange essential oil is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory which makes this oil an ideal addition to your skincare routine. Known to increase the ability to absorb vitamin C, aid collagen production and blood flow (all of which are essential for anti-aging), it is lauded in skincare.

Well-known for its uplifting and worry-reducing properties, sweet orange essential oil is both uplifting and calming, making it ideal as an overall mood enhancer and relaxant, and increase feelings of energy. At the beginning of a stress-filled day, consider diffusing it to provide a revitalizing aroma that will help get you through any task. If you are feeling a lack of energy in the late afternoon or early evening, you can diffuse Sweet Orange to help lift your mood and increase awareness.

Sweet orange oil is also useful in combatting insomnia & can help promote a good night’s sleep. Always dilute in a carrier oil when applying topically.

10ml amber glass dropper bottle.

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